Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

First off, I must answer Mrs. Ladelle's question from the last post. The photo of the kids having a picnic was at Wasserfallen as were the photos of the waterway and the hillside. The little community is picture perfect and powered by water! It is located in the fold of several mountains (missed that geography lesson, not sure of the proper term) with streams running into the town from all directions. At one collection site there is a waterwheel and a gage showing the amount of power being produced at the moment also the month and year's total so far. Very interesting and will make a good science lesson.

The streams were full of trout. And crystal clear. The boys were thinking of various methods of catching the trout without fishing rods. They were down to making spears. I stopped them. We had gone to the area planning to ride the cable car to the top of a mountain, but it was closed. So we hiked as far as I could hold out on very steep paths then collapsed for lunch. Going down was much easier. It was like walking through a movie set. Not only was the town spotless, with most yards having finely manicured English looking gardens, the houses were colorfully painted with pretty shutters and lace curtains. We even saw a fellow walking along eating a sandwich with his faithful St. Bernard close behind. I took a picture of a house for sale on a hillside. My plan is to convince Robert that would make the perfect location for his company's European office.

Today we walked looking for the English bookstore and the post office. Didn't find the bookstore, but found the health food store, a hunting store, a cutlery shop and a model train store. Then a neat shop that sold only hats , gloves,and scarves. Landon was impressed when he saw a Stetson hat in the window. We did eventually find the post office... we saw it out of the back of the tram window as we pulled out of the stop. We'll go back tomorrow.

Our truly big find today was the Heilsarmee, the Salvation Army store! Swiss second hand stuff is much more fun and impressive than second hand Oklahoma stuff. We were so excited about all of our finds we missed our tram stop on the way home and were quite away past it when I realized nothing looked familiar. That caused us to make it to the grocery store only 15 minutes before the 6pm closing. And they mean 6pm sharp! The boys waited outside with our treasures while Olivia and I darted inside for milk, bread, lettuce, and some sausage. Except for Thursday evenings when some stores stay open until 8, everything closes at 6pm during the week, 5pm on Saturday and next to nothing open on Sundays. The law here prohibits yard work, home repairs, dropping off recylcling, washing automobiles, etc on Sunday.

Didn't get a chance to post yeterday. So a quick report: our laundry time is Tuesday from 6am to 3pm. There is one washer and one dryer in the basement. We live on the third floor. I made no less than 10 round trips doing laundry. Believe it or not I even hand washed two small loads in the utility sink, then made a poor attempt to wring the water out. Some are still drying on the rack in the apartment today. Anyone have a spare laundry wringer? The process starts over on Sunday from 3pm-midnight.
I had planned to put up more photos, but a weak connection is making it impossible. I'll try agin tomorrow.

Blessings from Basel!


Miss Ladelle said...

thanks for the answers and the pictures and most of all the chuckles describing your adventures in second hand stores and laundry. Oh, well - life mgo on even on this exciting time. You'll get into the rhythm soon I expect and soon will be quite at ease with it.

Wednesday morning came and went and I did better - still miss you but didn't cry for more than two hours I think. :-)

Tell those boys to carry all the laundry for you and you take good care of yourself.

Olivia - have a blast. And write many pages in your journals - your grandkids will enjoy the reading.

love, Miss Ladelle

Julz said...

O.K! Kevin is still laughing! Sounds like so many good memories to me. I was feeling sorry for myself b/c I have only 1 hot water tank right now. The one in the kitchen is tore down unil the cabinets are set. We are having to schedule showers, dishes, laundry ect... I am now over my BooHoo moment. Make those boys carry the laundry for you.
The tram 6 advenure sounded very interesting. I can imagine the looks on your faces as you were beginning to realize you weren't where you should be. I know you met the challenge and made it fun. I, of course, would have freaked out and lost it! You always have a lesson for me to learn. THANKS!! We are leaving for San Diego in the morning. 4 kids will be left at home alone. Joshua and my father in charge. Should I be concerned, YES! Am I concern, YES! Please be in prayer for peace and safety through next Wednesday evening.
My mother is back in the rehab. They haven't found out what's wrong yet. It was an overnight deal. She was doing well and then woke up and couldn't even sit up or walk alone.
We miss you all. Friday there is no fellowship due to the Saturday banquet at Potter's House. The girls miss the kiddos and I miss seeing you very much. The blog is great! Keep them coming. It makes us feel like you're only an hour away.
Shelbi says the boys seem good. They are still busy with lots of work stuff. When we get back, I will set up another time for them to hang out. Started to type "date" in where I put "time". Changed it quickly. Too Scary!!
I am setting up a blog and soon I will have pics and good, or at least, comical stories of what we have been doing and are currently trying to do.
Love you all, Julz

Julz said...

FYI: At fellowship the kids are learning the books of the old testiment. Yours can be working on them too. I think February is old and then March will be new. They have some kind of reward for learning them. Don't know exactly what it is. Cheryl said Logan woke up Saurday singing the song that they are using to learn them with. If you don't know it let me know and I will try to find a You Tube with the tune they are using.