Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blogging Again!

And I am so glad to be blogging again. I must admit that after our two weeks away from our apartment living in accommodations we lovingly call "the dump"and our Internet not working when we moved back into the apartment I just could not get blogging again because of my obsession that things be chronological and my lack of time to fill in all the blanks. Yesterday, I had a revelation that I could start from where we are now and then add the lost days in as I have time. To most folks not only would that seem obvious immediately but they would actually be able to carry through. It wasn't obvious to me and it took a while to be okay with an "unchronological" blog.

So from here on out, things might not be in the order they happened! I will post the date at the beginning on each post for those of you who prefer to know what order things happened in. There is much to tell about all that has occurred the past few weeks!

1 comment:

Miss Ladelle said...

I'm trying to think of a comment but all mycomments are so jumbled in m y mind and I can't seem to get them sorted out and when I want to write them down they aren't in any kind of order but that's okay think because after all what's the use of having things in proper order when you just want to be free and happy and not worry about that stuff?

Beautiful flowers in the picture and I'm sure that there will be many pictures to see and enjoy later this summer.

GodBless all of you

Miss Ladelle