Thursday, March 20, 2008

Together Again

Tonight we had our first meal as a reunited family. All eight of us plus my dad sat down for a dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad and green beans. We had to sit in two rooms since our apartment which is more than adequate for four or five is overflowing with nine for dinner. It is nice to have a full house. All of the kids were glad to see one another. And mom is glad to see her boys.

Dayton and my dad arrived this morning. Haden, Keaton, Olivia and I took the train to Zurich to meet them at 5:40 am! Landon and Jansen decided to sleep in. (This was my dad's first flight since the Vietnam war era. ) They are both exhausted from the travel and the six hour time difference. It takes a couple of days to adjust. They need to recover a.s.a.p. I have lots of fun to fit in during their 2 1/2 week stay. Jansen will be here until the end of April though. He wants to take full advantage of the opportunity to explore Switzerland and beyond.

Dayton is staying with Haden at his apartment and the rest of us have settled in very comfortably here. The one bathroom is in high demand and must be carefully timed and scheduled. No long soaking baths around here. Maybe we will be more appreciative of the three bathrooms we have at home after this. I am sure we will be temporarily, but soon enough will return to banging on the door and yelling at the occupant to hurry.

I'll try to get a family picture soon. I should have taken before and after photos of the food. The food vanished in nothing short. Leaving nothing but pile of dirty dishes. Thanks to Keaton and Grandpa for cleaning the kitchen.

1 comment:

Miss Ladelle said...

Nuthin' like a good old family dinner. Sounds wonderful and I"m so happy all of your kids are there with you Sandra. How cool.

Tell your kids I grew up in a house of 7 people and we only had one bathroom - we survived. I'm not messed up at all. am I?
