Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas with the Deals

Christmas Eve lunch...everyone minus Keaton, he was feeding cows, and Elias, who was napping.

Landon trying on his new coveralls with everyone else in the background. By the time the gift opening was over it looked like the room had exploded with paper and boxes.

Our front flower bed on Christmas morning. So pretty. What a treat to have a white Christmas. It is now a week and half since Christmas and we still have several inches of snow. The FedEx driver would not even attempt our driveway this morning. Once you mange the five miles of backroads to get to a main highway traveling is great!

Dayton and Johnna.

Robert opening his new wallet from Olivia.

Keaton and Pancho a.k.a Elias....

Elias modeling his new hat and fuzzy socks~

Jansen trying to hide behind his knife set.

Haden, Janine and Elias.

Landon opening his much anticipated MP3 player!
Olivia, feeling just dreadful with a fever, and Gloria, her faithful companion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yep, this definitely gives a good glimpse at our christmas this year :o) What a blessing to be a part of all this.