Sunday, November 9, 2008

Septic Workers for Hire

Experienced Septic line installers for hire. Reasonable rates. Only work as a team. Call 1-800-NEW-PIPE.

The crew has been working since Friday afternoon and as of Sunday night they have dug 450 feet of 24" X 24" trenches. Several more days of work and the use of a Bobcat should complete the job. The kids all caught on quickly to operating the track-hole although Jansen and Dayton did the majority of the trenching. The other crew members hauled wheel barrow after wheel barrow of rocks ( two dump truck loads) and placing pipes in the trenches. Thanks to Grandpa for his hard work and help too. It has been all hands on deck for this job.
Our new kitchen cabinets were delivered on Friday! The kitchen has taken a back seat to the very necessary septic system work. I am still hoping for the new kitchen to be at least functional by Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

theGallagherFamily said...

I am so proud of your family!! They are so awesome.....I cannot believe it, they can do anything.